Meet Dr. Weisman
Continuing Education

Dr. Melissa Weisman established Minnesota Veterinary Ultrasound in 2010.
- 300+ credit hours in specialized veterinary ultrasound training courses
- One-on-one training with veterinary radiologists and other boarded specialists
- 23+ years of experience practicing progressive, small animal medicine in the Twin Cities area
- Internship in small animal medicine and surgery at the University of Illinois
- Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from the University of Minnesota Veterinary College
- Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA) member
- MVMA Academy of Veterinary Medical Practice
- American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) member
- International Veterinary Ultrasound Society (IVUSS) member
- American College of Veterinary Radiology-Ultrasound Society (ACVR)-member
Continuing Education
Dr. Weisman has completed over 300 continuing education credits in small animal diagnostic ultrasound imaging in addition to one-on-one mentoring with a veterinary radiologist and other boarded specialists. Her ultrasound training and education courses have been taught by nationally and internationally known veterinary boarded radiologists, cardiologists, internists, and other boarded specialists who are at the top of their field. Her list of completed courses includes:
International Veterinary Ultrasound Society (IVUSS) Annual Meeting 2017
- Endocrine Ultrasound and Medicine
- Ultrasound of the Eye and Orbital Structures
- Portosystemic Shunts
- Right Ventricular Hypertrophy
- Diagnostic Imaging in Mitral Valve Disease,
- Mitral Valve Disease Progression & Implications for Therapy
- Feline Concentric Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Sonopath Orthopedic Seminar and Wet Lab 2016
- Stifle Protocol & Examples of Pathologies
- Shoulder Protocol & Examples of Pathologies
- Muscles & Tendons with Achilles Protocol & Pathologies Part 1
- Muscles & Tendons with Achilles Protocol & Pathologies Part 2
- Neck: Anatomy, Scanning Technique, Pathologies
- Head: Anatomy, Scanning technique, Pathologies
International Veterinary Ultrasound Society (IVUSS) Annual Meeting 2016
- Renal Imaging
- Canine Hepatopathies
- Feline Pancreatitis
- The Dog and Cat Gut Ultrasound Guided Sampling, Cytology vs. Histopath
- AV Valve Dysplasia
- Echocardiographic Diagnosis and Assessment of Pulmonary Hypertension
- Common Congenital Shunts
- LV Outflow Tract Obstructions, RV Outflow Tract Obstructions
- Non-Cardiac Thoracic Disease
International Veterinary Ultrasound Society (IVUSS) Annual Meeting 2015
- Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
- Doppler Abdomen: Application, Vascular Anomalies, RI/PI
- Overview on Practical IR Options for Ureteral Obstructions
- Non-Cardio Thoracic Ultrasound
- Feline Cardiology: Fundamentals and Pearls
- Getting the Heart of the Matter: Acute Treatment of Dyspnea
- The Challenges of Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease-For Sonographers and Freaks
- New Diagnosis and Treatment Options for Congenital Heart Disease
MVMA 2015
- Clinical Sonography and Pancreatic Pathology
- Clinical & Sonographical Approach to GI Disease, Obstructions & Foreign Bodies
- Clinical Approach to Urinary & Repro Pathology-UGELAB & Interventional Procedure Options
Western States Veterinary Conference 2013
- Ultrasound Off the Beaten Path: Eyes, Testes, Lymph nodes, Tracts, etc.
- Use of Doppler Ultrasound in the Abdomen
- Ultrasound of the Small Snimal Patient with Hematuria
Western States Veterinary Conference 2012
- February 2012 Invasive Ultrasound
- Clinical Utility of the Right Intercostal View
- Noncardiac Thoracic Ultrasound
- Ultrasound of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract
- Sonographic Imaging of the Feline Abdomen: Differences Between Woof and Meow
- Differentiating the Causes of Hematuria with Ultrasound
- Why I can’t Live Without Abdominal US: Case Studies
- Use of Ultrasound in the Emergency or Critical Care Patient
- Ultrasound in the Icteric Cat
- Ultrasound of the Vomiting Dog
- Ultrasound-Guided Biopsy: What is Safe to Stick
- Ultrasound Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
- Interactive Interesting Ultrasound Cases
MVMA Summer Seminar on Ultrasound Topics 2011
- Sonographic Imaging of the Feline Gastrointestinal Tract
- Sonographic Imaging of the Feline Urinary Tract
- Sonographic Imaging of the Abdominal Lymph Nodes
- Sonographic Imaging of the Small Organs
- Potpourri of Ultrasound Cases
- Sonographic Imaging of the Liver and Biliary Tract
Minnesota Society of Diagnostic Ultrasound 2011
- Imaging Doppler-The Native Kidney
- Imaging/Doppler-Renal Transplant
- Imaging/Doppler of the Native Liver
Sound Academy of Veterinary Imaging Veterinary Ultrasound Education Program 2009-2011
- Introductory Ultrasound
- Echocardiography
- Feline Ultrasound
- Cardiac Feline Ultrasound
- Focus Assessment with Sonography for Trauma
- Soft Tissue Diagnostics
- Clinical Approach to Sonographic Pathology Part 1
- Clinical Approach to Sonographic Pathology Part 2
- Small Animal Pathology Part 3
- Advanced Echocardiography
- Advanced Echo-Special Topics
- Echo Scan Lab
- Abdominal Scan Lab