What to Expect
- Most urgent appointments can be seen within one to two working days at your own clinic if you are located in the Twin Cities metro area.
- During the appointment, Dr. Weisman will require the assistance of at least one staff member to assist with patient restraint. Occasionally, additional staff members are needed for active, oversized patients or for special procedures. Please obtain prior authorization from the owners to perform such things as:
- Clipping the pet’s fur
- Sedation if necessary
- Biopsies/fine needle aspirates
- Prequisite bloodwork recommended for biopsies (PT/APTT, platelet count, etc.)
- Following the ultrasound, Dr. Weisman will give you a brief verbal report and will follow up with a detailed written report sent to your clinic the day following the exam.
- Consultation with a radiologist, cardiologist, or internist via telemedicine is also available upon request for an additional fee as well as cytology services.
- Minnesota Veterinary Ultrasound will bill your clinic directly for services performed.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why use a mobile ultrasound service?
It is our goal at Minnesota Veterinary Ultrasound to enhance your diagnostic abilities so that you can provide appropriate treatment in a timely and efficient manner. Our ultrasound expert, Dr. Melissa Weisman, is devoted to ultrasound study and providing the best in diagnostic ultrasound imaging and associated services to your practice. Because that is our main focus, we are able to bring you the latest in diagnostic ultrasound interpretation and practical applications. Furthermore, pets and their owners enjoy the convenience and comfort of being able to receive these services at your veterinary hospital leading to better owner compliance. This results in better care for your patients and satisfied clients.
What are common indications for an abdominal ultrasound?
What types of lesions are frequently identified on abdominal ultrasound?
Intra-abdominal tumors, cancers, ascites, organ masses, organ nodules, adrenal gland tumors, adrenal gland enlargement, pancreatic inflammation, bladder stones, renal stones, bladder tumors, gallbladder obstruction, gallbladder mucoceles, cholecystitis, gastrointestinal foreign bodies and obstructions, disruption to intestinal wall layering, intestinal inflammation, and lymphadenopathy.
What are the common indications for an echocardiogram and thoracic ultrasound?
New or worsening cardiac murmur, abnormal EKG findings, ventricular arrhythmia, acute collapse, cardiomegaly, clinical signs of heart disease, mediastinal mass, pulmonary mass, ascites, pericardial and pleural effusions.
What type of training has Dr. Weisman had in ultrasound?
View Dr. Weisman’s Profile
View Dr. Weisman’s Continuing Education
How are results obtained?
Dr. Weisman will interpret all ultrasound and echocardiographic studies she performs. A verbal report and brief written notes will be provided immediately after the exam. A formal written report will be sent to the primary clinic the first work day following the exam. Consultation with a radiologist, cardiologist or internal medicine specialist via telemedicine is also available upon request for any scan for an additional fee. Dr. Weisman may recommend telemedicine consultation with a board certified specialist for cases that are particularly complex or unusual. A specialist’s report can be obtained in most cases in 1-2 business days or less.
Can you provide a price list for your services?
How do I set up an appointment?
If you are a new client, please e-mail us at dr.mweisman@mnvetus.com to set up an appointment. Our doctor will then call you and provide you with direct contact information for future appointments. We will then allow you direct access to our online portal system for entering key patient information. This MVU portal will provide you with 24-hour access to patient reports, images, and consultations.
How quickly can an appointment be obtained?
Routine appointments located within the Twin Cities area can usually be scheduled within 1-2 weeks. Priority will be made for urgent and emergency scans, however, availability will depend upon our current bookings and your clinic location.
Is fasting required prior to a scan?
Will the pet need to be shaved?
What type of sedation will be needed?
How long should an ultrasound scan or echocardiogram take?
It is recommended to set aside at least 30-60 minutes. At least one assistant will be required in order to hold the patient. More time may need to be set aside for ultrasound guided procedures or unexpected findings seen during the exam.
Preparation for Needle Core Biopsies:
A PT/PTT, CBC with platelet count and biochemical profile is required prior to a needle core biopsy. Pets undergoing this procedure require heavy sedation or general anesthesia. Needle core biopsies should be scheduled in the morning so that the patient can be monitored in the hospital for at least four hours prior to discharge.
Who is responsible for patient monitoring?
It is the responsibility of the veterinarian and health care team at the hospital visited to properly monitor the patient during and after scanning and during any procedures performed as Dr. Weisman will be focused on the exam. Patients undergoing sedation or general anesthesia should be connected to monitoring equipment and supervised by a trained member of your hospital. An intravenous catheter may be recommended.
Can clients be present for the exam?
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, for the safety of our staff and yours, Minnesota Veterinary Ultrasound requests that no owners be allowed in the exam room during the procedure.
How will I be billed?
Minnesota Veterinary Ultrasound will bill the veterinary hospital directly. Minnesota Veterinary Ultrasound is unable to accept payments directly from pet owners. For your convenience, credit card payments can be made via the MVU online portal. Please click the following link for directions (Credit Card Payments). Check payments are also acceptable and can be made payable to Minnesota Veterinary Ultrasound. Payments are due upon invoice delivery. A $25 late fee will be assessed for late payments and scanning services may be delayed until accounts are updated.
Does Minnesota Veterinary Ultrasound have a Covid 19 preparedness plan?
Yes, Minnesota Veterinary Ultrasound has a Covid 19 preparedness plan which is available upon request. We also expect your clinic to keep us informed of your Covid 19 clinic policies so that we can work together to provide excellent care in a safe environment for all veterinary hospital personnel.
Further Questions?
Please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Weisman.